Astro Blog

Virgo is the sign of purity and has been granted the ability to SEE that which needs to be improved. Virgos are the only ones who can see with such purity what needs to be done in order to bring things back into balance.

"Who sows must reap," they say, "and cause must bring
The sure effect; good, good; bad, bad; and none
Escape the law. But whoso wears a form
Must wear the chain." Too true; but far beyond
Both name and form is Âtman, ever free.
Know thou art That, Sannyâsin bold! Say —"Om Tat Sat, Om!" ...

"You shall manifest your destiny just as the acorn grows into the oak tree. You cannot be other than what you are and as you accept this, life responds."

Without ritual and initiation the mental health of today's society is failing. We have no framework for the metaphorical deaths and rebirths we experience as human beings.

I lost my Dad in 2023 and this has been the first time that I have been through a major grieving process. It has made me reflect on how differently people cope with grief. My Mother has Cancer dominant in her chart and I have watched how her response has been to retreat into her shell.

What I want for you is to feel a sense of freedom after your reading. To lay down any anxiety about yourself and live more in the flow of life.

A Pluto square Pluto transit happens around the age of 36-42 for people born with Pluto in Libra or Scorpio but it will happen at different ages depending on what sign Pluto is in, in your natal chart.