Exalted Planets Series; Mars in Capricorn
"I will endure unto the end, for in the end there is naught to endure"
This is a phrase that appears in the Bible in Matthew 24:13 and Matthew 10:22. This perfectly sums up Mars in Capricorn energy.
The sign of Capricorn represents the victory of the sun over the death of the winter solstice. Facing death in the eye and coming out stronger.
'He is half fish and half goat, meaning that at first, as the fish, he is deep down in the sea, out of sight in the unconscious. Then he rises to the surface and climbs to the highest peaks and valleys'
Carl Jung
Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn energy is released slowly over time. To have Mars in Capricorn is to have great stamina and the ability to ENDURE.
I asked a dear friend who has Mars in Capricorn what it meant to her and the answer she gave was breathtaking. It's the energy of Joan of Arc she said.
'As a peasant girl in the 1400's, Joan of Arc rose to lead the French army in a momentous victory at Orleans in 1429 that thwarted an English attempt to conquer France during the Hundred Years War. She became a martyr and a saint and is to this day is the national heroine of France. She was also a Capricorn, naturally.'
Quote taken from:
Mars in Capricorn is a FEMININE grounded energy.
Using their feminine qualities of patience and intuition leading to a very smart use of energy. The ability to wait for the right wisdom can be the key to victory. It is a non-aggressive energy. The highest octave of the earth signs. Like Joan of Arc, these individuals have a strong sense of duty and sacrifice. Seeing things through to the bitter end.
War is won through the ability to endure, often a long game that requires a tremendous amount of stamina and tenacity to overcome the enemy. Mars in Capricorn individuals are endowed with a military intelligence, often strategic in the way they operate. Unlike Mars in Aries who would serve in the infantry. Mars in Capricorn is the general.
Very disciplined individuals who will train for something for a long time to achieve mastery, a martial art for example. And they will achieve mastery, they are ruled by Saturn, the planet of mastery.
Capricorn has been linked to the energy of the crocodile for its ability to survive and adapt, the crocodile is one of the oldest surviving creatures in the world.
Even if they are sensitive individuals as indicated by the rest of their chart having this placement is much more protective to the individual than those who have Mars in Cancer, which is in its fall. Extremely porous and sensitive they will retreat into their shell for fear of being overwhelmed by emotional undercurrents. With Mars in Capricorn there is much more of an armour energetically which makes it easier to deal with the harshness of the material world.
You may get individuals with a lot of other factors of sensitivity though who will still struggle but once they find work that they love to do there is no stopping them with this placement. These people can go to work and it is very healthy for them to be physically active.
Mars in Capricorn has an INDOMITABLE WILL. They are extremely self-reliant.
The key thing to remember with these individuals is that they must exert their own will. The only thing that these people fear is having the faculty of their own will taken away from them. They would literally rather die than succumb to the dictates of another. They go through life fighting for their freedom and woe betide you if you try and stop them. They would rather walk through the jaws of hell than bend to live in a way that someone else has dictated to them. They are sovereign of their own power.
They direct the way things are going and will move toward rather than move away. These people take charge.
It's not that these individuals can't work for other people. I have known people with this strong in their chart who would literally break their body in service for others. But they will do it in their OWN way. And they will do it well.
Whilst they may be outwardly reserved, they can be extremely sexual individuals who often like to take charge in the bedroom, using strategic tactics to seduce and conquer. When they feel like it. They will slowly stalk their victims with eroticism until they can withstand it no longer and must surrender. Their stamina and control are often best demonstrated in the bedroom.
People with this placement will often literally have been through hell but they don't just survive it they thrive. They will have the craziest stories, but they will tell them with a smile on their face and make you feel uplifted after hearing them, they thrive on survival.
In the words of Billy Ocean; "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going."
This is Mars in Capricorn.
A true warrior.