Exalted Planets Series; Saturn in Libra
"Who sows must reap," they say, "and cause must bring
The sure effect; good, good; bad, bad; and none
Escape the law. But whoso wears a form
Must wear the chain." Too true; but far beyond
Both name and form is Âtman, ever free.
Know thou art That, Sannyâsin bold! Say —"Om Tat Sat, Om!"
Swami Vivekananda, Song of the Sannyasin
This searing prose from the great Swami Vivekananda beautifully expounds the concept of karma. Please follow this link if you would like to read the whole poem; https://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_4/writings_poems/the_song_of_the_sannyasin.htm
Our whole natal chart is a demonstration of our karma but it is where Saturn sits and also by transit throughout our lives that shows us where we will really experience cause and effect. These events or situations in our lives will really make an impact on us often changing the direction of our lives completely. By going through these often painful or highly stressful experiences we learn or choose to take a different course of action in the future so that we may then get a different result.
Saturn ultimately wants the best for us.
Saturn is not a planet to be feared he is just and fair and you will get what you give in this life and the next. Saturn, like karma, never fails to deliver.
'Libra rules balance and being fair. Saturn is exalted in Libra because what you give is what you get. That is balanced and fair. What you do to others, will others do for you.'
I got this excellent description of why Saturn is exalted in Libra from this website: https://astroniki.com/
Exaltation means that it is the best or most natural expression for the planet, it will give its best results in that sign.
As someone who has Saturn exalted in Libra on my ascendant I have always had an acute awareness that actions have consequences. Of course, I'm not saying I've never put a foot wrong but when I have, I have seriously felt it.
Saturn is a generational planet, Saturn stays for 2-2.5 years in each sign. However, if you have Saturn in your first house, in tight aspect to your Sun or moon, it is your chart ruler or in an angular house in Libra then it will have a much bigger impact on your personality.
As we've discussed, Saturn is karma, people who have this placement prominent within their chart will be very responsible people. They sometimes might not want to take responsibility because they understand the depth of what this means, however, they are very suited to do so. They will be able to see what needs done and will do it to their full ability. They will be very responsible in their relationships with others. Sometimes taking on too much responsibility for the other as they feel it so acutely, this is especially felt when Saturn in Libra is placed in the 1st/7th house axis.
This can lead to feelings of restriction and that relationships are somehow a burden. Feelings which can describe the energetic context of Saturn.
Jupiter strong people may jump in and think of the consequences later, Saturn thinks about the consequences first (and probably later also!).
Saturn in Libra people are fair in all their dealings with others, they want to be fair and this is why they can get along very well and eventually be very respected in business. They will turn up to things on time and are aware that if they are late it affects the other person, therefore these people always make sure they have enough time to get somewhere.
They understand the value of discipline in order to attain results, slow and steady wins the race. Saturn is not a fast moving planet but will give you the results in time. If you employ someone with Saturn in Libra prominent in their chart, they will give you results, these people are very dependable and are able to take on a lot of responsibility.
They may come across as somewhat serious and sober but this can lessen as they get older. Very tenacious in nature and often that tenacity comes from their strong sense of right and wrong. The energy of 'fairness' and justice puts a fire in their belly that is a force to be reckoned with. When they are acting in accordance with their strong moral compass they feel a sense of freedom and wholeness.
These people can often be very hard on themselves and not feel good enough because they have such high standards. It can be freeing to realise that your high standards are actually a safeguard and prevent you from taking a course of action which may not benefit you in the future.
You will really come into your own in the second half of your life, this is the aspect which attains mastery. It will take time, but my goodness it will all be worth it.