Grieving Through an Astrological Lens
I lost my Dad in 2023 and this has been the first time that I have been through a major grieving process. It has made me reflect on how differently people cope with grief. My Mother has Cancer dominant in her chart and I have watched how her response has been to retreat into her shell.
Home is where she feels safest and where she feels closest to my Dad. To a Capricorn dominant person this may not make sense. Their response may be to work even harder at their job or on a project they are busy with. They may naturally want to forge ahead.
Similarly, Aries dominant people may want to start a new project or do something they have never done before to process their grief.
To a Taurus dominant person the idea of moving onto something new may not be appealing at all. They may want to take the time to smell the roses or sit on a hillside in nature.
Grief counselling might be just perfect for a Gemini person.
Art therapy or doing something creative may suit a Leo.
Virgo's may need to concentrate on the details of everyday life or have a clear-out.
A Libra person may start a new relationship if the opportunity came along.
A Scorpio may visit a shaman or do some deep cathartic process like breathwork. All of that might sound far too heavy for a Sagittarius, they are off to Spain to get some therapy of a different kind, which probably includes a guidebook and a cocktail!
Getting lost in trying to do things in a new way might appeal to an Aquarian.
Pisceans may lean even more deeply into their spiritual practice or take themselves off on a spiritual retreat.
All of these are ways to cope with grief and all of these ways are completely acceptable. Grief is not the same for everyone as everyone is not the same.
That is why I love astrology. Your birthchart is a visible representation of our differences which should be celebrated and allowed for. No one way is 'right' or healthy. People will cope with grief in many different ways and they should be allowed to. After all, it was their person and it is their grief.
If you are struggling with grief and need to access support please go to;