Pluto Square Pluto Transit
A Pluto square Pluto transit happens around the age of 36-42 for people born with Pluto in Libra or Scorpio but it will happen at different ages depending on what sign Pluto is in, in your natal chart.
Use this free transit calculator to work out when you will experience this life changing transit. Make sure to select the 'Whole Sign House System' and select 'square' Pluto:
This transit will remove anything from your life that is holding you back from being your true self. Pluto will have her way with you and there is no stopping her. But, you will emerge from the ashes as a better version of yourself; stronger, wiser and more capable.
If you are not being true to yourself (usually in the areas of life affected by the square) Pluto will tear these structures of falsehood down. She may end relationships, living situations or jobs. But if you were being totally honest with yourself, you wanted to escape anyway. It will feel like chaos but a beautiful release at the same time. And my God does it feel good to be free.
Like me, you may even lose a loved one. These are not things to be feared, Pluto is the fertiliser that helps beautiful things grow. The whole foundation of your being will change.
'This above all, to thine ownself be true'
William Shakespeare
This is the battle cry of Pluto. She wants truth above everything else and ultimately so do you. Where are you compromising your needs for others? Where are you avoiding realising your own potential? Pluto invites you to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK. This transit will feel especially potent if your natal Pluto is on your ascendant or in one of the angular houses.
Let Pluto do what she will because there is no stopping her. This transit may involve learning through crisis. It is all for your highest good. Work with the energy of LETTING GO and you will realise what was holding you back. See what emotions are coming up, recognise them and move on. It will be intense, maybe the most intense period of your life, and the most TRANSFORMATIVE.
'Iron ore thinks itself senselessly tortured in the furnace but the finest blade of tempered steel looks back and knows better'
Lobsang Rampa
It will end, things will get easier and once you emerge you will be stronger and more aware than ever before. More you, more true. You will thank Pluto for tearing you apart as you witness the blossoming of the zenith of your life.